Identification of drugs of Madhuraskandha of Charakasamhita


  • Sushama Bhuvad
  • Nishteswar K


Madhuraskandha, Madhura rasa, Madhura vipaka and Madhura prabhava


In the classical text, Rasa oriented group of drugs were mentioned called as Rasaskandha. Acharya Sushruta, Vagbhata have mentioned these groups in the context of description of Rasa (Taste). But Acharya Charaka quoted these groups in Vimanasthana while describing drugs for Asthapana Basti (Corrective enema). Drugs having predominantly of Madhura rasa (sweet taste) and Vipaka (Final transformation of drug) or that can produce effect similar to that of Madhura Rasa or Vipaka (Prabhava- specific action) are included under Madhuraskandha. In total 85 drugs are mentioned. In this group 68 are identified, 14 are unidentified and 3 are found to be controversial drugs. Among them 56 drugs are Madhura rasa (sweet taste) dominant, 53 are Madhura vipaka (final transformation into sweet) dominant and 18 are categorized under Madhura prabhava (specific action). The drugs included in Madhuraskandha (group of the drugs having Sweet taste or potential), irrespective of  Madhura Rasa or Vipaka, are capable of attributed to functions Madhura Rasa or Vipaka like Jeevaniya (invigorating), Preenana (soothing), Balya (promotes strength), Brihmana (nourishing), Rasayana (anti-ageing), Vrishya (aphrodisiac), Shukrala (promotes semen) etc.




How to Cite

Bhuvad, S., & K, N. (2014). Identification of drugs of Madhuraskandha of Charakasamhita. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 5(1). Retrieved from



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