Anatomical Variations in the lobes and fissures of the lungs


  • Alka Jayavanth Kumar Prof.& H O D Dept of Sharira Rachana J.S.S. Ayurvedic Medical College. Mysore.



Lungs, Lobes, Fissures, Accessory, Variations


Generally Right lung contains two fissures [oblique and horizontal] and three lobes [upper, middle and lower].Left lung contains one oblique fissure and two lobes [upper and lower].Sometimes the number of lobes may vary in either lung. The right lung may have only two lobes upper and lower and the left lung may have three lobes. In rare cases Accessory fissures and extra lobes may present. This type of variations is occurred in the cases of developmental anomalies of lungs. During dissection of a cadaver of 60 years old male, we found variations in the lungs .The present case report an unusual Inferior Accessory Fissure in the lower lobe of the Right lung as well as an extra lobe in the Right lung. The Left lung contain an incomplete small fissure as well as extra incomplete lobe. The measurement of extra fissure had been taken and will be displayed with detailed information and photographs

Author Biography

Alka Jayavanth Kumar, Prof.& H O D Dept of Sharira Rachana J.S.S. Ayurvedic Medical College. Mysore.

Sharira rachana Proff & H O D




How to Cite

Kumar, A. J. (2012). Anatomical Variations in the lobes and fissures of the lungs. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 3(2).



Case Reports